Laundry shop

  • 採用活氧洗衣及環保酵素洗衣液,安全衛生
  • 採用西班牙進口洗、乾衣機,不銹鋼內膽不易藏污穢及滋生細菌
  • 提供不同專用洗衣機種類,可清洗大型衣物如羽絨被、外套等。公仔、枕頭、坐墊也可
  • 自動添加洗衣液,不經人手,方便快捷
  • 全港首創寵物用品專用洗衣機 ,與個人衣服分開清洗
  • 24 小時服務,隨時配合你的時間




  • Citywash brand Enzyme washing detergent is biodegradable and non-toxic so it is safe and environmental friendly. O3 is also added during washing with a better effect. 
  • We use Spain imported machine “Fagor” with stainless steel drum which effectively prevent bacteria to grow up.
  • We provide different kind of professional washing machine for your choice. You can easily wash such as King size Duvet, blanket, quilt, pillow, cushion, and even dolls.  
  • Automatically refine Enzyme detergent, it is clean and convenient.
  • The only shop in HK provides machine for you washing drying your lovely pet stuffs.
  • 7 x 24 self service, you can choose your time at your convenience.